Cargo Van Conversion Options

The various conversion options for a (cargo) van are greatly dependent on its planned use, the owners’ skills and financial resources. A very basic version can be put together by anyone that can handle a hammer and screwdriver and won’t set you back more than a couple of hundred dollars. On the opposite end, a fully equipped, handmade interior with most of the conveniences of home, a hi-top roof and a totally self-sufficient solar installation, easily tops $10,000.00.

Personal Choices

There is no cookie cutter solution and many options are a personal choice. The hi-top is a wonderful solution to create standing height in the van, but most people would loose their ability to park the van inside their 7′ garage. If you want to make a complete move to van dwelling, choose the first option, for part-time use you may opt for the latter.

basic intermediate the works
interior 2×4 platform bed
led lighting
container storage
built-in bed
led lighting
store-bought cabinets
built-in bed
led lighting
handmade cabinets
additional accessories
wall insulation n/a · ·
floor & ceiling insulation n/a n/a ·
appliances cooler
portable stove
porta potti
porta potti
12V fridge
porta potti
batteries 1 x 12V 2 x 6V 4 x 6V
solar n/a base system
100W panels
pwm controller
300W inverter
full system
300W panels
mppt controller
1500W inverter
windows n/a · ·
hi-top n/a n/a ·
running boards n/a n/a ·
bike rack n/a n/a ·
budget $ 500.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 10,000.00

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