Onboard Compressor – Part 3

In this final episode of the Onboard Compressor installation, I resolve some issues with the Engine Run signal from the Ford Transit. Previously I guided the compressor harness through the engine bay firewall to the area behind the glove box and from there, the wiring is guided behind the center console and under the floor,… Continue reading Onboard Compressor – Part 3

Onboard Compressor – Part 2

In this second part of the Onboard Compressor installation, I show you how I extend some of the wires in the wiring harness of the compressor. The lengthening of the wiring harness is necessary to comply with Ford’s requirements to directly connect the harness to the vehicle battery (through the CCP – Customer Connection Point),… Continue reading Onboard Compressor – Part 2

Kitchen Cabinet & OBD2 Scanner

Still working to finish the kitchen area by constructing a ceiling cabinet on the side wall behind the wardrobe. It will function as a storage area for plates, bowls, mugs and other items, that I use on a daily basis during food preparation. Kitchen Cabinet One limitation I have, is that the finish material Formica… Continue reading Kitchen Cabinet & OBD2 Scanner

Traction Boards Hardware, Wiring and Countertop

I am working around the kitchen area of the van, to finish the countertop, pull a remaining wire behind the fridge to the battery compartment below it, add some Formica strips to finish the fridge cabinet and to install the traction board hardware. Previously I had temporarily installed the half-finished cover of the induction cooktop,… Continue reading Traction Boards Hardware, Wiring and Countertop