Van Ceiling Panel – Part II

I continue where I left off in the previous article Van Ceiling Panel Part I. As a reminder, I use an automotive tweed protected against daily wear and UV, very similar in color and texture as the front seats of the van.

In this video, I start by gluing the edges of the fabric to the plywood panel and cut the holes in the fabric, where the puck lights will come and glue the fabric there too. After I spray the glue, the 3M 77 will dry to a tacky feel within a few minutes; then you can finish be applying the tweed.

[videojs_hls url=”″ mp4=”″ poster=”” width=”1280″ preload=”none”]

With the glue is dry to the touch, I pull up the fabric for a sharp edge and then fold it over onto the surface of the panel. Finish with a few strokes of a J-Roller. Try to avoid too much fabric at the outside corners, otherwise the thickness will become obvious.

I already treated the back of the panel with Poly-Urethane, especially well where the 3m Dual Lock will be applied. Then I copied the locations for the 3M Dual Lock strips, that I previously attached to the ceiling members of the van, to the back of the panel.

3M Dual Lock Velcro Substitute

After cutting the Dual Lock to size, I remove the plastic cover strip and stick it onto the surface, followed by a pair of strokes of the J-Roller. I let it rest for a couple of days, for the adhesive to fully cure.

Attaching the panel to the central area of the ceiling should be taken care of now, but I still have to focus on the edges for two reasons. First to support the ceiling panel and second, at the widest parts of the ceiling, I have to fill in, what is not covered (52″ vs 48″ width of the plywood sheet), with a narrow board. This board will have a 1/16″ wide groove on its side that slides over and gets attached to an aluminum angle along the sides of the wall. In preparation for this, I will put these aluminum angles where needed along the top of the walls.

To be continued.


3M Dual Lock 250
Gray Automotive Tweed
3M 77 Spray Glue
Jig Saw
Pair of Scissors
Paint Thinner
Sharp Knife

*Some of the links above and in the video, are affiliate links, meaning at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase.

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