Mod: Roof Vent


Superior ventilation is needed for an enjoyable journey in a multitude of climates. Whether it is raining and you’re locked up inside the van for days or you’re camping in record setting temperatures, the interior of the RV must remain dry and livable for you and your pets.

An additional floor vent is an integral part of that setup, that will enhance the natural flow of air throughout the vehicle.

This project is subdivided into four smaller projects, that are each documented with videos, photos and a step-by-step guides. When the project is completed, the entire guide will be made available as a FREE download below.

exterior roof vent adapter ford transitSTEP ONE: Exterior Adapter
The ribbed features of the roof may increase its rigidity, but can make an ordeal from an otherwise simple installation.
interior rv roof vent adapterSTEP TWO: Interior Adapter
A solution that works around the ceiling beams and other obstacles of the roof of my Ford Transit.
rv roof vent flangeSTEP THREE: Stealthy Flange
Dissimilar materials require different sealants to achieve a permanent, non-destructive and impervious tie-in to the roof.
rv roof ventSTEP FOUR: Maxxair 6200K Roof Vent
After all the previous steps, the final installation of the roof vent is as simple as fastening four screws into the flange.

Other projects of this Van Conversion:

I’m just a DIY’er with a lot of common sense, but with some of the projects, I use some tools and materials, that require you to really know, what you’re doing. Always read the manual and consult an expert if you’re in doubt.

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