The recent failure of the fresh water fill dish led me to try out a Marine deckfill.
Similar to a fill dish, the deckfill comes with a rubber seal, which should prevent water from exiting the fresh water tank. While very similar, it comes with its own peculiarities; where the filldish uses a 1.25 inch hose, the deckfill needs a 1.5 inch water hose. This means that I also have to replace the water tank connection. With all the new parts available, piecing them together is fast and easy.
I also replace the vent hose by a longer one, that is guided along the wall of the van, about two or three feet into the air.
But before I drill a new hole, I’ll test out this setup first, otherwise I may end up with two unnecessary openings. I’ll do the testing later this week and if that is successful, I can install the deckfill permanently into the backboard and fill the previously drilled hole by adding a vent cover over it.