The rough countertop is now scribed against the sides and back edge.
After cutting it to size and sanding the edges, I start working on the front edge. By doubling up the edge, the illusion of a thick top is created. Because of the tension in the wood, I use screws in addition to the wood glue.
The countertop must be attached to the cabinet tops with screws. As the hardwood tends to expand and contract with the seasons, the rear is attached in a regular fashion with screws; I use 1/2 inch long slots at the front of the cabinets with screws and washers, to allow for the movement of the wood.
[videojs_hls url=”″ mp4=”″ poster=”” width=”1280″ preload=”none”]
The countertop is now ready to be finished with a natural Shellac. Both sides get treated, yet the top gets up to 10 coats with 1000 grid sanding in between. Shellac is wonderful to work with, but the high intensity, direct sunlight in this application, may be too much for it. In that case, I will add one or two Poly-Urethane top coats.
Finally, I go over it with some 0000 steel wool, followed by a coat of regular paste wax. The actual installation on top of the cabinets takes only a couple of minutes.
Johnson Paste Wax
Steel Wool 0000
Woodworking Chisels
Woodworking Square
Woodworking Clamps
Titebond Wood Glue
Orbit Sander
Jig Saw
Paint Thinner
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