Traction Boards Hardware, Wiring and Countertop

I am working around the kitchen area of the van, to finish the countertop, pull a remaining wire behind the fridge to the battery compartment below it, add some Formica strips to finish the fridge cabinet and to install the traction board hardware.

Previously I had temporarily installed the half-finished cover of the induction cooktop, which is part of the overall countertop. Since then, the main countertop was sanded and finished with 4 coats of Shellac; the three components will receive another 2 coats of poly-urethane, before I will install them in the van.

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Meanwhile, the fridge was removed to gain access to the back of the cabinet. This allows me to pull a waiting wire through the insulation, down to the battery compartment. With the fridge out of the way, the traction boards hardware can also be put in place. Have to cut out some insulation first, which will be replaced after the installation. Add a backplate and two attachment points here and two at the lower part of the cabinet.

This allows me to store the two traction boards out of the way, yet easily accessible through the rear doors of the vehicle.

Next time, I hope to add the Formica strips to the surroundings of the fridge cabinet and finish and install all parts of the countertop.

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