Murphy Bed Frame II

murphy bed

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The Murphy Bed frame is made out of ½ inch plywood to adhere to weight limitations of the van. The lower part of the side boards, where most of the weight of the bed is located, will be tripled up.

murphy-bed-dividerI start with a board ~70in high and ~13in wide (178cm x 33cm) and mark the corner of the original sheet of plywood as being a sharp 90 degrees. This will function as the front of the bed frame.

dividerTo fit the board to the ceiling and the wall of the van, I scribe the two sides with a compass about half an inch at the time and then remove the excess with a jig saw, to slowly reach the final size. I leave a ¼ inch space between the plywood and the wall and ceiling. During this work, I temporarily removed the black plastic cover over the side airbag.

Previously, a wall panel and ceiling support were constructed and with this side board cut to size, I can continue with the Murphy Bed frame and the cabinet dividers.

The board in the image above, is misformed on the right side due to the camera lens. In reality, it’s straight and square to the floor.
During this part of the construction, I took off a bit too much of the plywood, that will be corrected with a finishing material in the near future.

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